Finding the words to describe this experience. We will get back to you on that real soon!
Highlights of Doujin Music Works
Highlights of Illustrated Works
Online Stores
(post preorder)
Beginning on August 2, 2015, customers will be able to
preorder ARM's "Astraea" artbook and "Sol=Akata" CD!
Thank you for your patience and support!
ARM is pleased to announce that beginning on October 14, 2015,
customers will be able to preorder "COSMOCRYSTAL" CD!
Thank you for your continued patience and support!
(during project development)
While we are working on our next project,
our online stores will feature other completed projects, while supplies last!
Thank you for your continued patience and support!
(recruitment announcement)
ARM Circle is currently seeking new composers, mixers, and vocalists. Please complete and submit this application if you are interested.
Thank you!